Hi, I'm Vignesh

I'm a Chennai based software Engineer. I love to read a lot and occasionally write about software development, motorcycles, cars, books and of course the good ol' rants.

I like to write as I talk. I've had higher standards for writing, but in an effort to write more, now I just type and hit publish.

I have been blogging sporadically since 2010, a year after I got access to a computer and internet. I love internet because it taught me most of the stuff I know and better than most teachers I had.

I am a college drop out. Blogging in college helped me get my first paid job. I'm currently working in web development and occasional mobile development through hybrid platforms.

I tend to rotate through hobbies and try new stuff. My current hobbies are riding, singing, hopelessly trying to keep up with my RSS feed and fitness goals.

I'm introverted, I won't talk to you unless I'm forced to. But I can hold interesting conversations with interesting people.

Currently I'm working on improving my competitive programming and system design skills by practice. I like to keep doing this for few more months and then expand into other areas of tech.

I would love to hear from random people of internet, send me an email at ms.vignesh31@gmail.com